
Monday, October 24, 2011

Homeschooling in the Fall

We have had an absolutely glorious Fall here. Warm temps, sun shining, lots of outdoor play. Thus school in the traditional setting has taken a back burner. I feel as if we will have a hundred days, in the dead of winter, of freezing temperatures, wind blowing, and snow falling down. We can buckle down and do "traditional" school then. Being that Zoelle is 4 and in preschool, I'm not too worried about it. I've done a few days of school here and there with her, but I haven't pushed it when she would rather be outside. Besides she is learning as she is outside.

When I went to school for my elementary education degree, the classroom I student taught in is an outdoor classroom meaning that most of our schooling took place outside.  It is currently one of very few outdoor classrooms in the country. I learned more there than I think I could have ever learned in a traditional setting and I vowed to allow my girls to do the same whether they are homeschooled or not.

We did however finally finish up our preschool Heart of Dakota Publishing curriculum and we will be on to the Kindgergarten curriculum as soon as I get it ordered (yes I'm a bit late on that). My goal is to get it ordered this week and hopefully start on it in the first week of November!

I'm really looking forward to what the Kindgarten curriculum is like. I felt as if  Preschool was very easy for Zoelle from the beginning, so I am hoping she will feel challenged and not bored at all from this new curriculum!

Meanwhile, if you are curious as to what exactly Heart of Dakota is and you want more reviews on it, or a different age reviewed, feel free to check out One Little Word She Knew! I am part of a blogroll over there along with over 50+ other bloggers, all who use Heart Of Dakota!

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