The very first question comes from my friend Salena who asked me this quite awhile ago and I told her I would be answering her "soon" in a blog post. Well being she asked me in July and this is September, it wasn't necessarily "soon", but I am finally answering now:
I've always wondered...are you and Chris planning or allowing God to plan for more children in your family?
Can I say the answer to that is both? A long time ago I wanted a big family. When Chris and I met and I shared with him my dream for a big family, he was sort of on board. Then we had Zoelle. Two years later, Meridian. A year after that we adopted Xiomara. Three kids. Three girls. Loud, screamy, sometimes crying girls. In three years.
Yep, we are crazy! ;)
I wouldn't say that having them so close together made me not want more, because that isn't true. I've enjoyed the challenges as they come and go and on the days I don't, I just cry! ;) I think every woman hates that thought of being done. I love soft, squishy, cuddly babies and I can't imagine not having any more babies.
At the same time I say that, I also can't imagine going through another pregnancy right now nor do we want to adopt right now. I get terribly sick in my pregnancies and the thought of the emotional ups and downs of adoption has me running the other way. I also have been either breastfeeding or pregnant for 5 years.
I am ready for a break.
But we have always brought that back to whether or not God is ready for us to have a break. And the answer, despite the chagrin of the grandparents is, yes we believe He knows we need a break and is going to give it to us. He also has shown us that just because what we wanted was a big family, isn't necessarily what He wanted for us. I can honestly say we never brought it before God in prayer. We just assumed that we would have a big family. But the more we pray about it, the more we feel God calling us in a different direction for our life and our family.
So in short, I feel like we are letting God decide, yet at the same time God knows our hearts and knows that we need a break. If you do find me pregnant or adopting at some point in the future, then you know that God wasn't finished with us yet...and I'm ok with that too.
P.S. If someone has the time and talent to make me a blog button, I'd love to start up a link up for Truthful Tuesday. I just have no idea how to make a button! :)
Have a question you want answered? Email me at: jewelsntreasures (at) yahoo (dot) com

Yah, finally!!! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
:) Thanks for being patient! ;)
ReplyDeleteI know a little bit about blog buttons, I might be able to help. FREE of course! :) Just let me know!
Sarahsewta at yahoo dot com