We are now 4 months into our preschool homeschool and I thought for sure this one and the
previous post I wrote on preschool homeschooling Zoelle would have come sooner. However, somehow we have gotten busy and I am finally getting that chance to write this now.
What began with a bit of apprehension and reluctance on my part, began with
joy on Zoelle's part! There was not one part of her that did not want and crave to learn. It hasn't stopped since then! Each day, Zoelle wakes up and asks what she gets to learn in school today. Trust me, I am taking advantage of this time in her life as it may or may not last.
I am a bit of an organized person, and knew that I would never do school with Zoelle without some sort of curriculum. Yes, she is young and doesn't need one, but I knew that I did. Thus, I happend upon
Heart of Dakota Publishing. Upon doing my research, I was impressed with their website and how they have the curriculum broken up into ages.
Although Zoelle is a bit ahead for her age, I decided to go ahead and order the
Little Hands to Heaven. One of my favorite things about this is that the lesson plan for each day is layed out neatly for me. I also am able to incorporate art, math, music, bible, and even a bit of science into the lessons. Zoelle loves it! She often asks for multiple lessons per day. I have zero complaints about this curriculum for her. The only hesitation I have is that perhaps I should have bought the next age group up for her as she seems to know most of what is in the 2-5 year old curriculum. However, I feel like it is laying a good foundation for what is to come.
Not the best representation of the letter B, but she got it!
One thing the curriculum is lacking is the ability to teach her a second language. No problem though as I am already sold on using both
Little Pim and
Boca Beth. Often I will catch Zoelle speaking to either me or one of her sisters in Spanish. Just little phrases, or words here or there, but it is good to know that it is sticking and again laying a foundation for being bilingual.
Watching Little Pim
My original intent was to strive to teach Zoelle at least once a week in school, mimicking how it would have looked had we sent her to the local private preschool that we had considered. However, the curriculum is set so that you teach about 30 minutes each day for 5 days a week. I wish I could say we have been able to do this. Some weeks, we are great, but others just end up busy and I don't get in as much school as I would like. We do the Spanish curriculum much less as I don't really care for the girls to watch many movies. I have been able to pick up Spanish books here and there at garage sales, and I look forward to incorporating them more this year.
Incorporating our Bible lesson by making a rainbow!
By far this has been my biggest challenge thus far in homeschooling. Scheduling! Once we get up, dressed, make beds, eat breakfast, etc. It is time to lay Xiomara down for a nap. Often I try and do school during that nap, but often Meridian, laundry, or housework gets in my way. Then it's back up from nap for Xiomara, and time to prepare/eat lunch. Then nap time in the afternoon for all 3 followed by time to make supper. Before I know it Chris is home, and it's time to eat. If Zoelle wakes up before the other girls from her afternoon nap, we will try and sneak school into there. If not, I try and do it after supper. Not the best time of day for her, but it is getting it in. This doesn't include all the other activities we have on a few other days of the week (like my mom's group Bible study, storytime at the library). I would love to hear from other homeschooling moms with little ones how you do it all? Obviously she is just three, so it doesn't matter now, but it will in the future.

Practicing letters with Meridian looking on.
And me? I'm loving it! I'm proud of my little girl and she thrives on the structure of doing something during these cold, winter days! I thrive on being able to give her something to do and also on watching her little face light up as she "gets it". I have to say it's been a good experience thus far. I'm looking forward to what God has for the rest of the year and I'm praying He still will guide and direct us for next year.
Disclosure: Opinions are all my own. Outside of doing the original review for Boca Beth and Little Pim, no other curriculum was given to me. And I still love Boca Beth and Little Pim and would highly recommend all three curriculums mentioned!