Honey, you do so much work around our house. You often cook, clean, do the laundry, change diapers, feed kids, feed me, feed yourself, help put girls to nap/bed, and pretty much anything else. On top of all this, you work hard for our family each and everyday. About the only thing you don't do is breastfeed (sorry I know you are pretty bummed about that). ;) I feel completely blessed to have you as mine.
Thus, for all the hard work you do...I think you need to help ME win this: http://ju-ju-be.com/ju-ju-blog/?p=548&cpage=2#comment-2662
I mean it would be perfect for you to use when you take Zoelle on her daddy dates and then uh hum...I could have another Ju Ju Be! :) Love you.
Oh, and for all you reading this...feel free to follow the link to try and win your man a Ju Ju Be Messenger bag.
My husband is the exact same way. Hands-on. Hard-working. I'm so grateful for that. :)
I am too Stephanie. It is so great to know that I have a man that can do so many things. I'm proud of him for it!