Hi, I'm Vanessa. Wife to one handsome man. Mama to three beautiful girls. Reader. Writer. Photographer. Singer. Pianist. Explorer. Walker. Runner. Ultimately, just me.
A little about Chris:
He's gentle, quiet until you get to know him, extremely funny, loves to be outdoors, loves to hunt, fish, is a business owner, loves to cook and bake, and is the most incredible husband and dad I've ever known. I've been married to this jewel for ten years!
A little about Zoelle:
A little about Meridian:
Often called Ridi (or Rinni), she is 4 years old and is our content, independent adventurer. Our middle jewel is all quiet, and plays by herself for hours at a time. She is a collector of "junk". She loves to play Lego Friends, watch movies, and sleep (haha). She can often be found wearing stripes head to toe, or wearing clothes full of pockets to collect treasures with. Her favorite color is purple!
A little about Xiomara:
Sometimes called Xio, she is 3 years old and is our joy-filled baby. This little jewel was long awaited and has an incredible adoption story that God wove just for her. Exuberant is the perfect word to describe her and the energy she brings. She lights up a room and makes everyone smile. She is rarely crabby and is always singing or dancing away to music. Her favorite color is yellow!